To sort target materials / items according to what can be done to them, and what they can be used for.
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Early years skill: | not specified |
Early years typical range: | not specified |
P-scales/Curriculum skill: | Materials and Their Properties |
P-scales/Curriculum level: | L1 |
TAP skill: | Understanding of Language/Comprehension |
TAP level: | TAP60 |
Pre/Nat. Curriculum Area: | not specified |
Pre/Nat. Curiculum Standard: | not specified |
Section: | Primary (5-11yrs) info; Secondary (11-16yrs) info |
Activity/strategy name and materials required | How to do the activity | Key principles for doing the activity and comments |
Object properties race track game Pictures of everyday objects from classroom or home, or real objects. Cards with words and symbols of actions e.g. cut, stretch, squash Dice Counters You can create cards with symbols for actions using the Commtap Symboliser for PowerPoint. | Explain that you are going to be thinking about things you see around you, and what you can do to them. Discuss each of the action cards, and model each action. E.g. stretch - stretch a rubber band Lay the picture cards out in a simple race track. Put the action cards up where you can all see them. Take turns to throw a dice and move round the track. Turn over the picture card you land on and say which one of the actions can be done to that object. The first person to the end of the track wins. | It is important to check the child understands the actions, and knows what the objects are. |
Object properties card sorting game Cards with words and symbols of actions Bag / box Pictures of objects from school, or home / real objects Sandtimer You can create cards with symbols for actions using the Commtap Symboliser for PowerPoint. | Explain that you are going to be thinking about things you see around you, and what you can do to them. Discuss each of the action cards, and model each action. E.g. stretch - stretch a rubber band Spread out the picture cards, and put the action cards in the bag. Take turns to pull an action card out of the bag, and sort the object cards into 2 groups - one it applies to and one it doesn't. E.g. cutting: things you can cut, things you cannot cut. Use the sandtimer to add excitement - you must sort out the cards before the timer runs out. | It is important to check the child understands the actions, and knows what the objects are. |
Actions with everyday objects Pictures of everyday objects from classroom or home, or real objects. Cards with words and symbols of activities e.g. eat, draw You can create cards with symbols for actions using the Commtap Symboliser for PowerPoint. | Explain that you are going to be thinking about things you see around you, and what you can do with them. Discuss each of the action cards. Choose an activity card Say which items can be used to do that activity | |
Object properties four in a row game Pictures of everyday objects from classroom or home, or real objects. Cards with words and symbols of activities e.g. eat, draw Counters in 2 colours - 10 each. You can create cards with symbols for actions using the Commtap Symboliser for PowerPoint.
| Explain that you are going to be thinking about things you see around you, and what you can do with them. Discuss each of the action cards. Lay out the object cards in a grid. Take turns to put a counter on an object. Say what you can use that object to do. The first person to make a line of 4 counters wins. | To make this easier, put cards up where you can see them showing a range of activities to choose from. |